Sage 300: New integration available for Sage CRM 2019 R2

A new integration is available for Sage 300 and Sage CRM that fixes the issue where some fields that were previously synced stopped being synced. In this new integration, most 
of the information on the Company Summary page in Sage CRM is now synchronized with Sage 300.

Important information

This integration is compatible with Sage 300 2020 and Sage CRM 2019 R2. For more information on compatibility for supported versions, see the Sage 300 and Sage CRM Integration 
Compatibility Chart.

Download and install

To download and install the integration, contact us.

Need help?

Speak to our professioanl team by visiting our website or call us at our Sage 300 Support Phone Number.

How Do I Fix Sage Mas 200 Unable To Process The Lockfile Error

 Process The Lockfile

  At the point when the client moved to another PC they could print the enlist and if different clients attempted they could too. All indications indicated this one machine. After much head scratching I at long last concluded that the issue was with their MAS200 Paperless Office and a stray bolt record that was left in the registry on the client's PC because of a sudden shutdown. I just kept running over a fairly confounding mistake that at first had me confused. Lockfile count not process For Journal Or Register, whenever this error appears call Sage Support Phone Number for rescue & remote support. The blunder message was happening amid printing of the Daily Transaction Register. All other Crystal printing could be finished fine and dandy. "Unfit to process lockfile. (Precious stone Reports activeX architect – Daily Transaction Register. Preparing Cancelled" in Sage MAS 90 and 200 Here's the fix (as usual – before you upset your PC registry say a quiet petition – we're not in charge of registry changes gone wild): Unable to process the lockfile: when To settle this issue, you have to utilize the Registry Editor. From the Start catch, select RUN at that point write in Regedit and snap alright. From the Regedit screen, select EDIT – FIND Under the "take a gander at" alternatives, evacuate all the checkmarks EXCEPT for the one by KEYS. 

Unable to process the Lockfile: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer


“Unable to process lockfile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer – Daily Transaction Register. Processing Cancelled” in Sage MAS 90 and 200

Search for the key LOCK.

  1. When you locate the key, on the off chance that it is underneath an organizer for Extended Solutions PDF Converter — erase the LOCK envelope (don't erase the Extended Solution Folder itself).
  2. In the event that you experience difficulty erasing a LOCK envelope, it may be the case that there is something in the organizer (regularly another envelope). All things considered erase alternate envelopes inside that LOCK organizer. At that point go and erase the LOCK envelope itself.
  3. Return to EDIT – FIND – FIND NEXT and search for another LOCK envelope underneath an Extended Solutions PDF Converter organizer.
  4. In the event that you locate some other LOCK organizers, erase those too (they should just be erased on the off chance that you discover them inside an Extended Solutions PDF Converter envelope).
  5. Return to MAS90 and uninstall and after that re-introduce the PDF converter.
  6. Extra Tip: I have additionally observed the PDF converter not run if acroread32.exe is hung. To settle it I ctrl-alt-del and select Task Manager and Processes at that point close down the AcroRead32 procedure.

"Unable to process the Lockfile: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer - report name. Processing canceled" when printing to PDF

Entry Type: Informational

Product : Sage MAS 90 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP

Application: Paperless Office


"Unfit to process the Lockfile: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer - report name. Handling dropped" when printing to PDF.

Conceivable Resolution:

Note: Use Extreme alert when altering the registry. On the off chance that the registry is altered inaccurately, Windows may not work legitimately or may not keep running by any means. Sage Software Support isn't in charge of helping with altering the registry. Continuously go down the registry before getting to it. In the event that fundamental, look for the help of a qualified PC professional.

Erase any Jobs and Locks organizers under all Sage PDF Converter enters in the Windows registry.

  • On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
  • In the Open field, enter Regedit and snap OK.
  • On the Registry Editor Edit menu, click Find.
  • In the Look at zone, select the Keys check box, and clear all other check boxes.
  • In the Find What field, enter the accompanying content and snap Find Next:
  • Sage PDF Converter

Whenever found, extend the Sage PDF Converter key, and find the accompanying envelopes (on the off chance that they exist):

  1. Occupations
  2. Locks
  3. Grow the Jobs envelope, and erase any subfolders.
  4. Note: Subfolders may keep the Jobs organizer from being erased.
  5. Erase the Jobs and Locks organizers.
  6. Press F3 to look for the following occurrence of Sage PDF Converter.
  7. Rehash the above strides for every Sage PDF Converter key.
  8. Close the registry.

Error: "Unable to process the LockFile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer - <report or form name> - Processing Cancelled" when printing or previewing a form or report.


Sage 100


Mistake: "Unfit to process the LockFile. (Precious stone Reports ActiveX Designer - <report or shape name> - Processing Cancelled" when printing or seeing a report or frame from Sage 100

Blunder: "Unfit to process the Lockfile. "Gem Reports - <report or frame name>". Preparing dropped"


Reinforcement Warning:

Utilize alert when working with the underneath item usefulness. Continuously make a reinforcement of your information before continuing with cutting edge arrangements. In the event that fundamental, look for the help of a qualified Sage business accomplice, arrange head, or Sage client bolster investigator.

System Warning:

This arrangement requires propelled information of your system. Contact your framework manager for help. Changing Windows security mistakenly can seriously influence framework tasks. Sage isn't in charge of activity issues caused by mistakenly altering your Windows security. Continuously make a reinforcement of your information before continuing with cutting edge arrangements.

Working System Warning:

This arrangement requires propelled learning of your PC's working framework. Contact your framework overseer for help. Altering your Windows Registry mistakenly can extremely influence framework tasks. Sage isn't in charge of task issues caused by erroneously changing your Windows Registry. Continuously make a reinforcement of your information before continuing with cutting edge arrangements.


Sage Customer Support does not give help to issues identified with outsider items or improvements, equipment, report customizations, state or government assess related inquiries, or particular bookkeeping questions.

  • Sage Mas 90 Erp Sage Mas 200
  • “Unable to process lockfile. (Crystal Reports activeX designer – Daily Transaction Register. Processing Cancelled” in Sage MAS 90 and 200
  • Unable to process the Lockfile - Crystal Reports. 

It would be ideal if you contact your Sage business accomplice, arrange executive, or bookkeeper for help. If you don't mind audit this report for extra data on the extent of Sage Customer Support Services.


Conceivable Resolution 1 (if printing to Paperless Office):

Ensure there is no stuck print work in the Sage 100 PDF Converter (once in the past Sage PDF Converter) printer

  • Access Start, Control Panel, Devices and Printers
  • Right-click Sage 100 PDF Converter
  • Select See what's printing
  • Go to Printer, Cancel All Documents
  • Check Sage 100 PDF Converter (some time ago Sage PDF Converter) printer settings in Devices and Printers
  • Access Start, Control Panel, Devices and Printers
  • Right-click Sage 100 PDF Converter
  • Select Printer Properties
  • On the Ports tab, ensure the default port is a Local Port "Sage"
  • On the Security tab, set Everyone to have rights to the accompanying (select the check boxes):
  • Print
  • Deal with this Printer
  • Oversee Documents
  • Snap OK

Sage 200 Unable To Process Lockfile: Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer

This arrangement requires propelled learning of your PC's working framework. Contact your framework executive for help. Altering your Windows Registry inaccurately can seriously influence framework activities.   In the event that the issue endures in the wake of preparing these means, there is a plausibility that the framework dislikes the objective index indicated in the Paperless Office Maintenance Task. Confirm that the Storage Location for the PDF Document(s) being printed is an area on the Sage 200 Application Server.



On the off chance that the issue perseveres, take a stab at indicating the PDF Directory an organizer inside the MAS90 envelope. System consents (particularly with Sage 200 Advanced) can assume a part in causing this issue. Sage MAS 90 and 200 Purchase Order streamlines your workow with merchants and provideseasy access to exact records all your imperative exchanges. Upgrade your procedures byautomating where proper, and speciy the key markers or the fitting activities to take.Speciy shipping strategies, required dates, contacts, reorder focuses, and that's just the beginning. Sage isn't in charge of activity issues caused by inaccurately changing your Windows Registry. Continuously make a reinforcement of your information before continuing with cutting edge arrangements. If a Peachtree user during use Crystal reports encountered with Lockfile problem, then connect immediately Peachtree Support Phone Number for help. On the off chance that the Registry key can't be situated here, reinstall the Sage PDF Converter utilizing Paperless Office Advanced Options. On the off chance that the Registry key is as yet not present in the wake of reinstalling the Converter, contact Sage Customer Support to give a duplicate of it to you, or fare it from a working workstation under a similar area (HKCC/Software) at that point import it onto the influenced machine. Track points of interest orevery exchange, so you can confrm and approve with confdence. At the point when your available amount alls underneath a specifed least level, Sage MAS 90 or 200 willautomatically produce a buy arrange as per your specifcations to the right vendorto guarantee that you never run out o key things. Process halfway receipts, refresh your inventoryrecords when merchandise are gotten, and screen cost fluctuations between products got andgoods invoiced.When Purchase Order is utilized with Accounts Payable, Inventory Management, and Sales Order,your far reaching buying framework will work the way you do. Receipt o merchandise automati-cally alters stock amounts and creates a Back Order Fill Report. Moreover, invoicesreceived consequently refresh Accounts Payable records, and to guarantee in the nick of time ulfllment,you can naturally create buy arranges or select gatherings o deals orders. With PurchaseOrder, you can settle on more inormed buying choices, and all o your buying and receiv-ing inormation is promptly accessible as required.or you any help from professional contact us by visiting our website or call at our Sage 200 Support Phone Number.

QuickBooks for MAC discontinued – Alternatives

Intuit QuickBooks Mac 2016  version is taken out from the market and QuickBooks Mac support for the users will be available till May 31, 2019, only. QuickBooks for MAC discontinued poses a problem for the MAC users and knowing the alternatives to QuickBooks for MAC is necessary.

An option is to navigate to some other accounting software. QuickBooks Online is a great alternative and is available in three versions Simple Start, Essentials, and the Plus options. Additionally, QuickBooks Online is an excellent option for people who want to have anytime-anywhere access available. This blog will enumerate the advantages of migrating to QuickBooks Online.

Why QuickBooks For Mac Discontinued?

Firstly, migrating from QuickBooks Mac to QuickBooks Online has a standard conversion procedure.  Discontinuation of QuickBooks for Mac version poses problems for several current users. But switching to QuickBooks Online is the correct move.

In case you do not migrate from the discontinued QuickBooks Mac version then you will have to face the below-given issues after May 31, 2019. These issues are:

  • No Technical Support- Any required technical support for QuickBooks for Mac will not be available after May 31, 2019. This can create several problems while doing troubleshooting or any other issues. However, if you migrate to QuickBooks Online, then you get tech support readily available
  • Intuit Payments- You will not be able to make any credit card payments from customers through QuickBooks MAC software after May 31, 2019. Switching to QuickBooks Online is a good option.
  • Payroll services- The Payroll Services will also be disabled, and no payroll processing will be manageable after May 31, 2019.

Why is QuickBooks Online a Good Option?

QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based financial software which is a great option for small to large scale organizations. Moreover, it gives anytime-anywhere access to its user. You also have access to key features from the smartphone or tablet. QuickBooks Online allows you to:

  • Easily Track Income and expenses and view how much money you are making
  • Send and then easily track invoices
  • Download Bank and Credit Card Transactions and comfortably manage them
  • Print Checks and fill in transactions in the QuickBooks
  • Easily Import data from MS Excel or QuickBooks Desktop software.
  • Automatically back up data
  • Stringent security measures are taken with access only to you
  • Easy access available from a smartphone /tablet
  • You can take snapshots of the receipts to save time at the time of tax filing
  • You can have up to two accountants to access your data.
  • Easily handle customers and suppliers’ details
  • Easy tax tracking and filing return
  • Efficient Planning and budgeting of your company.

System Requirements for QuickBooks Online

So definitely, QuickBooks Online is a good option to migrate to. If you are thinking to shift on QB Online, then you need to know the System Requirements for QuickBooks Online as well.

  • OS (Operating system) –Windows 7 (with X86 /X64) or later, Apple Mac 10.5 or newer version, Apple ios 7or newer and Androids.
  • A good speed internet connection (Wireless / Lan or Ethernet)
  • Compatible browsers with QB Online- Google Chrome, IE, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, Google Android, Mozilla Firefox. Not all the features are available on Mobile devices.

To Know More About It Visit At :- Quicken Mac Support number

How To Solve Turbotax Error 190

Turbotax Error Code 190

Processing and processing as much information and data is not an easy task, even for software. That's why TurboTax sometimes encounters an error and may even stop working. Most of these problems are minor and can be solved using simple troubleshooting steps. If, however, you encounter an error that you can not resolve, do not hesitate to contact TurboTax Customer Support for expert technical assistance. There is no problem too complicated to solve for the technician.

Causes of Turbotax Error 190

When designing software, programmers anticipate the appearance of errors. However, there is no perfect design because errors can be expected even with the best program design. Problems can occur during execution if a certain error is not encountered and addressed during design and testing.

Runtime errors are usually caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also be due to a memory problem, an incorrect graphics driver, or a virus infection. In any case, the problem must be solved immediately to avoid other problems. Here are ways to remedy this error.

Turbotax Error 190

How to fix Turbotax Error 190?
If you receive error message 190 when you try to open your file in TurboTax Desktop, follow the steps below.

Solution 1

  • Select Start New Return.
  • Go to the Taxes tab of your report.
  • Download the reports you need.
  • There may be charges if you need more than one report or if your version of TurboTax does not include a free download.
  • Close TurboTax.
  • Re open TurboTax.
  • Open the original file that generated the error.

Solution 2

  • Run Disk Cleanup You may also encounter a runtime error because of very little free space on your computer.
  • You should consider backing up your files and freeing up space on your hard drive.
  • You can also empty your cache and restart your computer
  • You can also run Disk Cleanup, open your Explorer window and right-click on your main directory (this is usually C :).
  • Click Properties, and then click Disk Cleanup.
  • If you encounter any of the issues associated with TurboTax, be sure to remember to contact TurboTax Customer Support. Professionals will always be available at the TurboTax Helpine phone number. They will handle all the issues related to TurboTax this year and promise to resolve all kinds of complaints related to TurboTax 2018-2019.                        
  •  For more details visit our website or call us at our Turbotax Tech Support Number

Contact Turbo Tax

Above are our top recommendations for how to contact Turbo Tax, including their top phone number and live chat options. Below you can compare and contrast the 7 ways to contact Turbo Tax by looking at which ones are the fastest and which ones other customers recommend the most for solving Turbo Tax customer service issues as reported to us by the 50 million or so customers that come to GetHuman each year and share their experiences. You can contact Turbo Tax across the following mediums: Phone, Chat, Facebook, Twitter, Web.


Does GetHuman work with Turbo Tax?

GetHuman does not work directly with Turbo Tax's customer support operations. GetHuman works with customers everywhere to compile the best tips and tools for reaching call centers faster and solving common customer problems effectively. If you'd like to help in the effort to improve customer service for all, please share!

Also Read :- Turbotax Customer Support Phone Number

What is the phone number for phone support?

The marketing email promises one of the features if you subscribe is, "Free phone and chat assistance from official Quicken customer support." However, after I spent $ and subscribed, I could not find a phone number, or even way to chat.

I have called Quicken support under 5 times in the past 15 years I've been a Quicken user. But not being able to access it now after being promised I could is deceptive marketing.

Even after I created a new account as a subscriber, and was logged in, I could not find a phone number, and no chat window. I feel ripped off.


Does anyone have the phone number, or instructions telling how paid subscribers can at least start a chat?

I tried adding obvious tags to this post, like " phone support " or " chat support " or " how do I contact live support " They are deliberately not making any of those available.

I cant believe I am the only one who wants to call support after subscribing. I am starting to feel really ripped off here. They make it impossible to find what was advertised.

Also, while we are talking here, I'd love to know how to stop the auto renewal in one year. Anyone know? Thanks!

More Informations Read This Articles:- Quicken Windows Support Phone Number

Turbotax Support Phone Number

Turbo Tax is billing software that will help you to file your taxes. If you are a businessman, it is always recommended that you should use this software to track business tax details with accurate transactions. If you are dealing with some issues related to Turbo Tax, TurboTax Customer Service Phone Number is available 24/7 or even on Public holidays. So, whenever you deal with some difficulties with your Turbo Tax software, don’t forget that Turbo Tax Customer Support Phone Number will help you in a way so that you can rectify all your issues in lesser time. We have technicians who have great knowledge in managing complex problems in a short time.

Take the Best TurboTax Customer Support

With the help of TurboTax Customer Support, you will always receive top-notch solutions for all your Turbo Tax software malfunctioning and errors. Our Turbo Tax support team consists of experienced and highly-skilled experts who can easily handle every glitch and bug. You just need to contact Turbo Tax Customer Support whenever you suffer from some troubles. We have a team of experts who will ensure that you will get your errors fixed efficiently and instantly.

Common Errors Are Rectified with Turbo Tax Customer Support

Have a look at a few common errors that you may face with your Turbo Tax software.

  • Facing login problems.
  • Software installation issues.
  • You are facing Error 5642, 1603, 1717, and a lot more.
  • Facing some issues in installing new updates and downloading the software on Mac and PC.
  • Some issues with Software management and customizing this Turbo Tax software.
  • Getting some problems in switching software subscriptions.
  • Are you facing any of these problems? If yes, keep your phone on dialing mode with the Turbo Tax Technical Support Phone Number that will help you in rectifying all your issues. Our team of experts will help you in resolving all your problems when you’ll dial Turbo Tax Customer Support Phone Number which will provide you instant support so that you can rectify all your issues.